Devlog 1.0

Upon reaching the end of this project, I'd like to reflect upon the progress, and what it took to get there.

My game is called Lunarkrypt. I made it by loosely following a tutorial, but added quite a lot of my own features. I used some of the assets provided and added some of my own. The game is based around a Metroidvania, although I would have liked to add even more features and flair of the genre, such as more in depth exploration and abilities to navigate a larger map. I think I underestimated the time it would take to make a more extensive game. 

Here is a list of the GitHub commits I made along the way (I need to commit more regularly and at logical increments throughout future projects): 

Here is a link to the Public GitHub for any who want to take a closer look:

In conclusion, I feel I achieved a lot with this project and certainly learned more especially on the programming front. One point of note is that I had to copy and paste some code from Level 1 to Level 2, and I think it would be better to make a Level Superclass and make an instance for each level, this is quite important moving forward. I am now moving to my next project and will be applying what I learned here in the future.  

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